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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 1

Pasta Salads

In topic we have been looking at what makes a healthy, balanced diet. Using this learning, we designed, made and evaluated a pasta salad dish we made ourselves. We used skills such as chopping, slicing and dicing. We loved the salads!

Photos of making a salad

Photos of making a salad

Photos of making a salad

Photos of making a salad

Photos of making a salad


We have been learning about why it is so important to keep our teeth healthy by brushing. We were given a set of teeth covered in honey and marmite, and were asked to practise brushing. We now know we should brush our teeth twice a day and brush for 2 minutes!

Photos of cleaning teeth

Photos of cleaning teeth


In music we have begun learning how to play the Ocarina which is a musical instrument. We have already discovered that to make a sound, we have to blow lightly into it and move our fingers to make high and low sounds.

Photos of playing ocarinas

Healthy Living Lift Off!

To lift off our topic on Healthy Living, we took part in some mental health awareness activities – yoga, massage and used a smell humidifier. We really enjoyed this session.

Photos of exercising outside

Photos of exercising outside

In topic we investigated if “All exercises affect our bodies in the same way”. We went outside and took part in stars jumps, squats, running and yoga to see how it makes our bodies feel. We discovered that running and star jumps makes our hearts beat faster; squatting makes our muscles ache; and yoga is calming and helps us to stay relaxed.