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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

SEN Information for parents

Priory Fields School is a fully inclusive school. We aim to provide an environment where all pupils can fully access a broad and balanced curriculum and fully participate in all the activities of the school, irrespective of ability, disability, race, gender, ethnicity and social origin.

Further information about how we can meet the needs of our children can be found in our SEN Policy & Info Report.

If you would like to discuss your child’s Special Educational Needs please contact the school office and make an appointment with a member of the inclusion team.

As a school we can access a range of services and multi-disciplinary professionals through the LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team) process.

Kent also provide a range of services available which is called the local offer, these services are available by accessing the Kent website. Kent's Local offer is all about making it easier for people to find out about services available to 0-25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities:

Click here to visit.

The admission arrangements for pupils without an Education, Health and Care Plan do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled children or those with special educational needs.

Our Inclusion Team

Miss Hughes

Mrs Marsh

Mrs Martin
Inclusion Assistant/
SEMH Champion

Mr Woods
Sensory Champion
Mrs Smith
SEN/ Pastoral Support
Mrs Ross
SEN/Pastoral Support
  Mrs Cook
Thrive Practitioner


thrive logo image

The Thrive approach is the early identification of emotional developmental need in children.   When you address emotional developmental needs it builds a child’s resilience and supports children engage in learning. The Thrive approach sets out the age-appropriate developmental tasks of children, this knowledge can be used to shape provision to make the best use of learning. This enhances their emotional and social skills, improves their emotional well-being and develops their emotional literacy.

Speech & Language Communication

Speech, Language and Communication development are important life skills. They are linked to learning, attainment, behaviour, social and emotional development as well as mental wellbeing. We are committed to supporting the speech, language and communication development of all our pupils. We work in partnership with our NHS link speech and language therapists, as well as specialist teachers to continue to improve our practice and provision and help to ensure that all our children reach their potential.

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, who will work with the SENCO to explore and support any potential needs. We will then work together with you to agree next steps which could range from in class support, to discussing your child with our link therapists. You will be kept informed about any plans to support your child.

For Further Information

Free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can be found at