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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 4


In maths this term we have been looking at how much containers can hold. We went onto the terrace, and using a range of containers and sand and water, we began to fill them up using vocabulary such as “full”, “empty” and “nearly full”. We then learnt that we can use measurements in ml and l to measure the actual capacity of containers.


This term our focus has been on The Patron Saints of the United Kingdom. For Saint Patrick we made four leaf clovers and learnt the story, and for Scotland’s Patron Saint – Saint Andrew, we made fish and retold the story.


In number maths, we have been looking at fractions. We used characters from Peter Rabbit to help us while we physically shared out different numbers. We made sure each character had the same amount to make it equal and fair.

Farm Visit

As part of our RE learning this term, we had the opportunity to visit a local Farm to see the new born lambs. When we were there, we fed the animals, talked about their offspring and got to cuddle and stroke the new lambs. We had a fantastic couple of hours!


Learning Lift Off

This term we are learning all about plants and how we can help Peter Rabbit to redesign Mr McGregor's garden after it was ruined. To lift off our topic, we watched the hilarious clip of Peter Rabbit and his friends destroying Mr Mc Gregor's garden to give us an idea of what we need to learn this term. We have started off with a cress experiment, looking at what plants need to survive and grow - both water and sunlight or neither.