School Council
We have a very active school council here at Priory Fields, with children who are in years 3 to 6 elected to represent their class on the school council and Years R-2 are represented by a year 6 child who speaks on their behalf.
Our Pledge
"I promise to do my best, I am proud that I have been elected as a school councillor. I will take my role seriously and am committed to the school and the school council. I will always uphold the school values and encourage others to do so. I will be a positive role model for the school and will wear my jumper with pride."
Our Aims for 2024-25
These are our aims for this year:
To raise £1000 for charities.
To hold two mental health days.
To have 100% parent attendance at school events.
To work with Kent Highways to get everyone to walk to school at least once a week.
Our Activity Blog
Friday 15th November 2024 - Children in Need Fundraiser
We were out bright and early helping Mrs Wheeler collect donations on the gate for Children In Need. Thank you to everyone who donated. Our Just Giving page is still open for donations!
Watch this space for the total raised!
Friday 8th November 2024 - Just Giving Page for Children in Need
We are thrilled to announce that our Just Giving page for Children is now live! Details of the main day (Friday 15th November) are still being finalised but you can now donate to this fantastic cause by clicking here:
Tuesday 8th October 2024 - First Meeting
We held our first meeting, where we introduced ourselves and talked about our roles. We planned Thursday's Hello Yellow fundraiser, and delegated jobs. We will be feeding back to our classes and asking them for suggestions of charities to support this year as well as other ways we can improve the school.
Tuesday 8th October 2024 - Hello Yellow Fundraiser!
We are pleased to announce a fundraiser for YoungMinds, a children's mental health charity. This is our first activity of the year!
We're encouraging everyone to wear yellow and bring in a donation or use our Just Giving page. Link below:
Click here for our Priory Fields fundraising link for Young Minds Trust (
We're hoping to raise £100, this will also be shared on our Facebook page!