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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 1

Welcome to Year 1!

We have had a great first couple of weeks in class! The children have settled in well and have been Adventurous Aardvarks adjusting to year 1. We’ve had a lot of Happy Hippos and Respectful Rabbits!


In geography we have been learning about where we live. We have been looking at different types of maps to locate where we live and places near us. Harmony class really enjoyed their school trip to Dover pier to explore our local area. We looked for human and physical features.

Photos of children locating places

Photos of children at the seaside

“I can see a castle.”

“I can see the white cliffs.”

“I liked waving to the boats.”

“I saw the bridge go up and down.”

“I saw a really big boat.”

“I can see the cliffs.”

“I think pirates are on the boat.”

Learning Lift Off

Our learning lift off involved lots of activities to help us learn about our bodies. We had all sorts of activities set up to start our topic about Me, Myself and I.

We used skeleton bones to rebuild a body.

Photos of children building skeletons

Photos of children building skeletons

We labelled body parts.

Photos of children labelling body parts

We drew our own faces.

Photos of children drawing faces

We played Body parts bingo!

Photo of body parts bingo


In art we have be looking at Pablo Picasso. We recreated one of his pieces. We very carefully drew a self portrait. We then used pastels to colour our portrait. We cut our pictures up in to sections and placed them back together on black card to create a Picasso piece of art!

Photos of Picasso inspired portraits

Photos of Picasso inspired portraits

Photos of Picasso inspired portraits