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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 2

Big Idea

Whether we are driving around in our cars, working, or relaxing at home, we are turning on lights, music, TV, radio, computers and mobile phones. We are plugged in to sound and light 24 hours a day. But what is the science behind sound and light? Electricity is one of the most important discoveries ever made and we have learned how to use it to power almost every aspect of our lives. Who discovered electricity and how does it work? As Scientists we will investigate insulators and conductors and learn how to conduct a fair test to extend and develop our understanding of electricity.

Christingle Service

For advent we hosted a Christingle service, Christingles means ‘Christ's light’. The orange represents the world. The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ. The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God's creations. The lit candle represents Jesus's light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness. The cocktail sticks that hold the sweets represents all 4 seasons and the compass directions. For our RE learning we decided to make Christingles.


This week we were lucky to have Adele in for yoga. We played a game which was using our co-ordination in our feet and toes, we had a competition to see who’s Christmas tree was decorated the best.

Dt- Plan, Make, Evaluate

We have been planning to make our own musical instruments, we looked into different instruments and decided which one we wanted to make. We then drew it into our books with the correct measurements.

To make our instrument we had to draw onto the wood, saw, stick and paint it. We used wood,dowling, string and plastic.

Finally, we evaluated our instruments by saying what went really well and what we want to work on.


In writing we have been writing quest stories. Our quest stories were inspired from the book we have been reading “The Firework Maker’s daughter”. We created a story map and made sure that we included speech and adventurous vocabulary.


Dt- Plan, Make, Evaluate

We have been planning to make our own musical instruments. We looked into different instruments and decided which one we wanted to make. We then drew it into our books with the correct measurements.

To make our instrument we had to draw onto the wood, saw, stick and paint it. We used wood, dowling, string and plastic.

Finally, we evaluated our instruments by saying what went really well and what we want to work on.



In Science, we were testing sound waves and vibrations. We put spaghetti on a drum and hit the drum with different strengths. We discovered, the harder you hit the higher the spaghetti bounces because there is more vibrations. The softer you hit the drum the lower the spaghetti bounces as the vibrations were lower.

We made cup phones to look at how sound travels, When the children spoke into the cup their voice sends sound waves inside the cup, vibrating the bottom of the cup. The vibrations are then transferred to the string, across the string and into the bottom of the other cup. The sound waves become vibrations inside the second cup, transferring the sound of their voice.


We were lucky to have yoga this week. We practised our breathing techniques which help us regulate when we have high emotions. We then played a game to see who could keep their bean bag on their head whilst balancing in our yoga positions.


In Science we were looking at what materials were conductors and insulators. We made predictions, created a fair test and created a conclusion about our findings. We tested the materials by adding them to our circuit, if the bulb lit up, they were conductors, if they didn’t light up they were insulators.

We created a circuit, we had children connect with each other as the wires, we had one cell and then we had a light bulb. The children had to pass the beanbag through the circuit one by one until they got to the lightbulb. This helped us to visualise why it's important to have a complete circuit with no gaps.

Topic Maths

In Topic maths were learning about the perimeter. Our task was to make enclosures and cages for animals and then work out the total perimeter.  The perimeter is when you add up all the sides of the shape.


In Science our topic is Bright Sparks, at the moment within the topic we are looking at Electricity. In our science lesson, we looked at how lemons can light up a lightbulb and how static electricity can make our hair stand up! We created circuits using lemons, wires, coins, lightbulbs and nails. We had to come up with the correct circuit to make the lightbulb light up. For the static electricity we rubbed a balloon on our jumper and then held it above our hair where it stood up.