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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 3

Number Day

We enjoyed lots of number related fun dressing up as rock stars on number day. We had a really exciting assembly to start the day where we got to admire all the wonderful outfits, then we went on a number hunt around the school where we had fun doing lots of counting. We counted how many chicks were in early years and how many steps to take us upstairs and how many laps we could do around the playground! After morning play we read a funny maths story and created our own creatures with lots of legs and talked about pairs, then at lunch time there was a rock star dance party on the playground! After lunch we learnt to count to ten in different languages and finally we had a fun maths themed PE lesson.

Photos of Number Day: rock start and chicks

Photos of Number Day: number challenges


This week in English (also known as Curious Quests) year one have been writing facts. We received an amazing book ‘All About The UK’ from Professor Klunk which has beautiful pictures and fantastic facts within it. The Children have enjoyed exploring the book together and have found the information contained in the book fascinating. We have seen some amazing writing this week from the whole class. Here are a few favourites…

Photo of book cover  Photo of English work Photo of English workPhoto of English work Photo of English work


The past few weeks in P.E. year one have been really enjoying using the apparatus. The children have been incredibly brave, challenging themselves to go further and higher than they have before and some children have really surprised themselves. They have been showing us their amazing strength and Spider-man skills.

Photos of children doing PE on apparatusPhotos of children doing PE on apparatusPhotos of children doing PE on apparatus