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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 4

Big Idea - The Shape of the UK

Why do we live here? We live in the county of Kent – the garden of England, home to Charles Dickens and the main area for growing hazelnuts in the UK! The first ever James Bond book was written down the road in St. Margarets and we are the gateway to Europe being just 21 miles away from Calais in France. Where do other people live? Do you know anything about the other counties of the UK or how our country is divided up? As budding geographers, we will consider the shape of the UK as we travel from South further North. Along the way, we will practice our skills in map reading through the use of OS maps, Google Earth and atlases.  You will be so inspired you will want to discover these places on your holidays for yourselves.

Learning Landing

Digital Art

We have been using the program GIMP to create digital art in the style of David Hockney.


In our Geography topic we have been learning the skills of map reading and drawing maps. We have found out why tourists would visit Kent and the physical and human features of the UK.




‘Physical features are natural, like mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, forests and coastlines.’


Yom Kippur

‘Yom Kippur means the day of atonement when Jewish people say sorry.’

‘They dress in white because white is the colour of purity.’

‘Jewish people think about the past year and ask God for forgiveness for their sins.’

‘They fast for 25 hours.’

‘The visit the synagogue to be part of the 5 special services.’

‘They read the Torah.’

‘They remember the story of Jonah and the whale, when Jonah disobeyed God.’

‘At the end of Yom Kippur, Jewish people empty their pockets into running water. This represents their sins.’

‘We created a paper boat and wrote something that we wanted to say sorry to and put it into a sink full of water.’

Equivalent Fractions


Yoga with Sarah

‘I love yoga because it makes me feel calm.’

‘My favourite is the buzzy breathing. It makes me laugh.’

‘We are doing some difficult poses in our pairs. We have to trust each other.’

‘It helps my well-being.’

‘I really, really like the balloon games we play.’

‘It relaxes me and I work better after,’

‘I'm lucky to do it and I show my mum the poses.’


In RE we are discovering Jewish festivals and special days. This week we have found out about Pesach, which lasts for 8 days. Our activity was a conscience corridor: one side encouraging the Pharoah to let the Israelites go and the other side, the government officials, trying to persuade him to keep them as slaves. Our Pharoah decided to side with his officials, despite God sending the 10 plagues.


In our music lessons, we are creating our own melody of 2 four bars. After, we combined our melody with a partner to play our pieces.

Learning Lift Off

Learning Landing Term 3

As part of our Learning Landing for Ancient Egyptians we created canopic jars with animal-heads.

There are also some excepts of our writing over the term for you to read.