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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 5

Big Idea

Curriculum Overview- To be a global citizen is to become a part of something bigger than ourselves. Each of us has a responsibility to the communities which we are a part of – to respect each other’s cultures and needs, to support one another and ensure that we work together locally, nationally and globally. As geographers and scientists, who protect our spectacular planet, we are going on a journey through our seas and oceans, explaining the impact us humans have on the environment. Along our way, we will discover the impact of this plastic waste and be inspired to create sculptures using discarded plastic and writing persuasively to campaign against it.


In topic, we were looking at our future. We drew what we can do in the sea and what is looks like in 2024 and then drew what it will look like in 2070 if people carry on polluting our sea. We then wrote the differences across the page.



In Computing we are looking at what computer programs do when we press certain buttons. So we created an animation on Scratch where two people/animals had an interaction and were speaking.


In topic we are looking at how plastic can impact our environment, we first started off by researching about single use plastic and what is classed as single use. In groups we then started to create  a presentation to persuade a year 4 class to start making changes for their future and use less single use plastic.


In English this term our book is called ‘Run Wild’, we looked at the front cover and the blurb and came up with some predictions. This means we guessed what would happen in the book just from looking at these 2 pages.


We were given a basic sentence that said, ‘ The wolf howled.’ Our task was to up level the sentence by using adjectives, expanded noun phrases and adverbs to make our writing even better.



In English this term our book is called ‘Run Wild’, we have started to read chapter one and have discovered a place called the gas works. A gasworks is an industrial plant for the production of flammable gas. Many of these have been made redundant in the developed world by the use of natural gas, though they are still used for storage space. In the story children visit gas works to skateboard, our aim was too come up with a description of the gas works and for people to imagine it just from our adjectives.



Learning Lift Off

As geographers and scientists, who protect our spectacular planet, we are going on a journey through our seas and oceans, explaining the impact us humans have on this priceless environment. Along our way, we will discover the impact of this plastic waste and be inspired to create sculptures using discarded plastic and writing persuasively to campaign against it.