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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 6


In history this term we have been learning about the Victorian Era, and in particular the story of Grace Darling. The children have been fantastic historians and have shown great enthusiasm and empathy when learning the story of Grace Darling. We then enjoyed acting out the story as part of a history lesson last week.

Beside the Seaside

Learning Lift Off

For our learning lift off, we had our very own beach at Priory Fields. We had lots of different activities to explore like paddling, crab catching, hook a duck, quoits, water trays, the sandpit and bowling!

The children all had a fantastic time, we even had an ice lolly to celebrate the occasion and some children said it was the best day ever!

“I’m burying myself in the sand”

“I’ve caught some fish!”

“I got 100 points first try”

“The water is so cold!”

“I’m building a sandcastle!”