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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 6

Why do things change? What is the impact of change? Once something has changed, can it be undone? This term, we will consider some of the changes around us and investigate what causes them.
At the start of the term, we will begin with looking at changing states of matter in action by making butter from cream. As scientists, we will investigate change by learning about solids, liquids and gases. We will explore, discuss, test and develop ideas about changing states of matter by carrying out investigations involving freezing and heating. We will work scientifically by asking questions about what we want to find out the answer to, and decide how is best to investigate a question. We will plan, carry out and record simple and fair tests, observing changes over time. We will then present our findings and draw conclusions about changes that are taking place.

For our learning landing we will consider the principles of a healthy diet and prepare and cook a pizza using different cooking techniques.

Pizza Making

We made our own pizzas from scratch.  We had to knead the dough until it looked glossy and then decide on the toppings. There were delicious and yummy!

Coastal Voice Project

On Thursday, Justice class was visited by an artist from the Coastal Voice project. The first activity was to sit opposite your partner and draw their face without looking at the piece of paper they were drawing it on. This is called continuous line drawing. It was very tricky because everyone wanted to check their drawings

We then created zigzag book and listened to a recording by John Henderson and created images from his music and voice.


In PSHE we have been looking at managing risks. We have looked at road and rail safety and for the last 2 weeks we have focused on sun and sea safety.


In computing we looked at decomposing games, we looked at tick sheet of what the game currently does. We then looked inside of the game and looked at how it was made, we then edited and debugged the game so that all of the errors worked. After that we edited the game so that it was more engaging to play.

Mindful Yoga

Another fantastic yoga session today, concentrating on breathing activities, sun salutation, balances eg  warrior, dancer and triangle. Finishing the session with the song ‘ Yogi rocked the boat.’

Powell-Cotton Museum Trip

On Monday 17th June we visited the Powell-Cotton Museum in Quex Park. Here are our thoughts.

‘I really enjoyed watching the peacock. I’ve never seen one before. It has so many colours.’

‘I liked that we could see the habitats the embalmed animals were in and what their fur and skins feel like.'’

“I enjoyed exploring the galleries and the workshops that they had planned for us. One of the best trips ever.’

‘The peacock’s feathers were colourful and it made a funny sound like a siren.’

‘It was the best trip because it was funny and messy. I loved the printing as we had to bang the wooden blocks hard.’

“The embalmed animals were so realistic for example the lions and monkeys.”

“Everything was super cool.”

 “We could actually feel the skulls! A crocodile skull has a round nose and an alligator has a pointed one.”

“The facts they told us were so interesting and they took time telling us. They were so descriptive.”


In Science we answered the question, ‘Do all liquids have the same viscosity?’ Our investigation had to be a fair test.



‘It is not fair is the slope is at a different angle.’

‘We can only change one thing, that is the liquid.’

‘We have to use the same amount of liquid. We used 5ml.’

‘We have to keep the time the same. We did 1 ½ minutes.’

‘We had to start the liquids from the same place on the slope.’

‘We measured how far the liquid travelled.’

‘We had to be collaborative cats and Responsible raccoons to get the investigation completed.’


Making Chocolate Chip cookies

This afternoon we had to collaborative cats and responsible raccoons in groups to follow a recipe and make chocolate chip cookies. We had to use our maths skills of weighing our ingredients in grams. It was great fun.



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