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Priory Fields School

Priory FieldsSchool

Term 6

Why do things change? What is the impact of change? Once something has changed, can it be undone? This term, we will consider some of the changes around us and investigate what causes them.
At the start of the term, we will begin with looking at changing states of matter in action by making butter from cream. As scientists, we will investigate change by learning about solids, liquids and gases. We will explore, discuss, test and develop ideas about changing states of matter by carrying out investigations involving freezing and heating. We will work scientifically by asking questions about what we want to find out the answer to, and decide how is best to investigate a question. We will plan, carry out and record simple and fair tests, observing changes over time. We will then present our findings and draw conclusions about changes that are taking place.

For our learning landing we will consider the principles of a healthy diet and prepare and cook a pizza using different cooking techniques.


In English we wrote a letter to our main character Bertie, about our feelings about the key events from the story. We used paragraphs and present perfect tense!



In topic we did an experiment, we focused on fair test. A fair test is a test that controls all but one variable when attempting to answer a scientific question. Only changing one variable allows the person conducting the test to know that no other variable has affected the results of the test. For our test we looked at the question Do all liquids have the same viscosity?




In computing we looked at decomposing games, we looked at tick sheet of what the game currently does. We then looked inside of the game and looked at how it was made, we then edited and debugged the game so that all of the errors worked. After that we edited the game so that it was more engaging to play.


This week we were lucky enough to have a yoga session. We worked on our breathing techniques and our yoga poses, which helped our balance.


In topic, we recreated Solid, Liquid and Gas molecules. What we tried to do is imagine we were the atoms. For solids, we all lined up in equal rows, liquids were slightly spread out and gas we were free to move wherever.

Does Gas Have a Weight?

We investigated whether gas has weight, to do this we had 2 balloons, one with gas in and one that was empty. We then created home made scales, if the gas balloon was lower it meant it was heavier and that it had weight.

“All things will have a slight weight.”

“It was really hard to add the gas into the balloon, it took a lot of puff.”

“I loved being able to actually make the weighing scales, we can now teach others.”

“We were able to add our own gas into the balloons from our breath.”

“The gas had weight.”

Learning Lift Off